Sunday, February 21, 2010

A work in progress

so i decided to start this blog for a number of reasons.
1st: my life is fuckin amazing.. and it isn't fair that i don't share whats poppin off
2nd: my oldest brother told me to.

thats only two reasons but watever they're strong and valid so that should count for something.

i titled this bad boy "a work in progress" and my blog "life pending" because i've recently come to appreciate the fact that whilst we are still breathing and existing we have an opportunity to do anything we want. crazy right? i can rob a bank tomora, or take out a loan and travel to japan, i can hit a stranger in the neck, or jus sit in my dorm room and search through people's facebook pictures. it's completly up to me.
of course some tasks (traveling to japan) will be harder to achieve than others but ultimately they're all available.

so that's not insight or anything.. like we all know that.. im just super late ( "hey, you there!" phenomenon) but knowledge is COMPLETLY different from wisdom/application/action.
this blog will hopefully detail the active process of me taking advantage of such opportunities.

(if i ever figure out how to...) i'm going to post a picture of my newest creation. what it is is a frame (old target mirror that broke) on my wall.. held up by dollar-tree tape. above it is a sign that says...... SURPRISE! "work in progress." fancy that.

it represents the art of creation rather than the creation (a pretty picture) itself.
the empty frame has obvious limitations- it is only so big and so long- but what i put inside is COMPLETLY up to me. i can leave that shit empty or put in pictures of celebrity crushes or jobs that i think i might be interested in. i can dollar-tree-tape up some list of goals or plans to read my Bible everyday and master espanol. honestly, i dont know what im going to put in it and watever...its ok. in not knowing, i realize that thats another day that the frame remains empty and open, and that another day that Joy ( the roomie) will walk in and say "wtf," but hey... its my fuckin frame and ima do wat i want! haha.

for all of you haters that read the second paragraph and thought ole girl dint have no insight comin at yuh. BLAAAOUWW! can u say metaphor for LIfee?!?!?

ill post the pictures of the """frame of life""" up everytime i make a change.

p.s: all my posts ARE NOT going to be like this lol. im wayy too immature to sit down and only right about metaphorical frames lol shuttt upp! bored myself damn it. and imm surre not gonna spell check my junk so use those context clues.

first blog ever= completed.

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